About the Journal
The Journal of Knowledge Learning and Science Technology (JKLST) is a reputable, peer-reviewed academic journal that operates on an Open Access model. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and reliable source of information on groundbreaking discoveries and the latest advancements in various areas of the field. It welcomes original research papers, review papers, case reports, short communications, and other relevant contributions.
The review process of JKLST is rigorous and ensures the highest quality of published content. Manuscripts are reviewed by the journal's editorial board members or external experts who are knowledgeable in the respective fields. The review process involves obtaining approval from at least three independent reviewers, followed by final approval from the editor. This meticulous evaluation guarantees the validity, significance, and credibility of the published work.
The editorial team of JKLST is committed to managing the entire submission, review, revision, and publication process efficiently. They work closely with authors to ensure a smooth and timely publication experience. The journal's online platform provides unrestricted access to its content, allowing researchers and scholars from around the world to benefit from valuable insights and findings without any barriers or subscription requirements.
JKLST strives to maintain its reputation as a reliable and influential platform for disseminating knowledge and promoting scholarly discussions in the fields of knowledge acquisition, learning methodologies, and science and technology. By fostering collaboration and facilitating the exchange of ideas, the journal contributes to the advancement of the scientific community and the development of innovative solutions in these domains.
Current Issue

As the global community intensifies efforts toward sustainable development, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a pivotal catalyst for innovation. This issue delves into the multifaceted applications of AI in promoting sustainability across various sectors. Contributions will explore AI-driven solutions in renewable energy optimization, smart agriculture, climate change mitigation, and sustainable urban planning. By examining the intersection of AI and sustainability, this edition aims to highlight transformative technologies and methodologies that contribute to a resilient and sustainable future.