Artificial Intelligence in Security: Driving Trust and Customer Engagement on FX Trading Platforms
The study aimed to examine how artificial intelligence (AI)-powered security systems enhance customer trust and engagement in Forex (FX) Trading platforms, the study also mark the effectiveness of AI technologies in mitigating security threats on FX platforms, and explore the role of AI in ensuring regulatory compliance and transparency, thereby fostering a more secure trading environment. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data. Empirical in nature, the study focuses on the users of trading platforms engaged in Foreign Exchange (FX) dealing in the Delhi NCR region. The study uses descriptive and exploratory research design and provides a target population of 250 respondents. A structured questionnaire is employed as the main source of data collection to address the research questions. The data is analyzed by statistical tools such as MS Excel and SPSS, using mean, S.D., correlation, regression, etc. The study showed that there is a clear positive correlation between the level of incorporation of AI security systems and the level of customer engagement, with AI technologies accounting for an important share of the variation in security threat prevention. Also, the study confirmed the role of AI in compliance and openness, which exhibits a moderate positive relationship between them.
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