Adaptive Deep Learning-Driven Motion Control for Reaction-Free Space Manipulators
An advanced adaptive control strategy for zero-reaction motion control in free-floating space manipulators subject to kinematic and dynamic uncertainties. The primary challenge in developing the adaptive Reaction Null-Space (RNS)-based control framework lies in deriving a linearized formulation essential for adaptive control methods. This research addresses this issue by effectively extracting a novel linear expression, which enables the design of an adaptive RNS-based controller. Termed as the Adaptive Deep Learning-Enhanced Zero Reaction Motion Controller, this framework operates at the velocity level while incorporating both kinematic and dynamic unpredictability. Notably, we incorporate deep learning to enhance adaptability by approximating uncertain dynamics and to facilitate real-time parameter adjustments. The resulting controller achieves simultaneous attitude regulation of the spacecraft and accurate trajectory tracking of the end-effector. The efficacy and robustness of the proposed adaptive controller, augmented with deep learning, are demonstrated through numerical simulations on a planar 6-DOF (degree-of-freedom) space manipulator, highlighting its potential in complex space operations.
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