Applying Role-Play Technique on Improving EFL Students’ Language Learning: A Case Study at a Vietnamese University




Role-play, role-play technique, teaching technique, EFL students, EFL learners, speaking ability, Vietnamese university


This paper explores the role-play technique and assesses its advantages in enhancing EFL learners' speaking skills and other language learning aspects through authentic English communication. A qualitative approach, using observation as the primary data collection method, was employed to examine the benefits of role-play in language classrooms. The study’s observations involved six pairs of 12 Vietnamese first-year students from Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, enrolled in the Basic English module. Observation was the key data collection instrument. The key findings from observing the students' role-play performances revealed that role-play as a teaching technique can boost speaking and communication skills, foster a supportive environment for active learning, encourage collaboration, enhance cultural understanding, enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as make learning more engaging and memorable. Consequently, role-play not only enhances language instruction but also cultivates positive behaviors, attitudes, and overall student engagement with learning beyond English.


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How to Cite

Ly, C. K. (2024). Applying Role-Play Technique on Improving EFL Students’ Language Learning: A Case Study at a Vietnamese University. Journal of Knowledge Learning and Science Technology ISSN: 2959-6386 (online), 3(4), 1-10.

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