Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives and Performance of Pre-listening Activities in EFL Classes: A Study Case in Ho Chi Minh CityUniversity of Economics and Finance
pre-listening activities, perceptionx, attitudes, benefits , listening comprehensionAbstract
Pre-listening activity has a significant role in improving comprehension skills. The study investigates the benefits and the effects of pre-listening activities in facilitating the students’ listening comprehension in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classes. The research also examined the teachers’ performance of pre- listening activities as well as the students’ preferences for the activities. 103 freshmen in General English classes and 12 teachers participated in this study. Data were collected through questionnaires and then quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The findings indicated that pre-listening activities are believed to be significant in building confidence, generating interest, activating background or cultural knowledge, increasing input and greatly assisting comprehension. Accordingly, pedagogical implications as well as recommendations on how to employ pre-listening activities at the preparatory more effectively in the listening process will be provided.
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