Advancements in sequencing technologies:
from genomic revolution to single-cell insights in precision medicine
Genetics, Single-cell sequencing, Next-generation sequencing, Cancer genomics, Precision medicineAbstract
Single-cell Sequencing (SCS) technologies, methods for analyzing genetic material at the single-cell level, offer extensive insights into cellular heterogeneity. This has broadened oncology research by enabling the exploration of functional and genetic diversity within tissues of different cell types. Furthermore, SCS facilitates the study of complex biological processes like metastasis tracking and tumor microenvironment analysis. However, the implementation of SCS methods is furrowed by a lack of clinical accessibility and high application costs. This review examines the development of SCS technologies, analyzing trends in throughput, accessibility, and cost of various commercial platforms, by focusing on the domain of cancer research and precision medicine. Despite the significant advancements offered by third-generation sequencing platforms, which provide high accuracy, versatility, and throughput for sequencing single-cell genetic information, these methods face challenges such as high error rates, insufficient funding, and complex data analysis. Furthermore, we’ve determined that the advancements of the previous decade have enabled personalized medicine and in-depth analysis of cellular heterogeneity, revolutionizing fields like medicine, biotechnology, and biological research. We anticipate our assay indicating extensive advancements in healthcare through the adoption of precision medicine concerning individual genomes and helping to demonstrate the promise of advancement in general understandings of complex biological systems. Furthermore, our research indicates that efforts to overcome technical, analytical, and cost-related challenges are essential in future clinical application, distribution, and growth of SCS methods.
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