The Impact Of Early Childhood Bilingualism On Cognitive Development: Comparative Studies


  • Dang Thi Hoang Mai Lac Hong University, Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam Author
  • Nguyen Thi Chau Anh Department of English Linguistics, Lac Hong University, Viet Nam Author



This article aims to explore the impact of early childhood bilingualism on cognitive development through a comparative analysis of existing studies. Bilingualism, the ability to speak and understand two languages, has become increasingly prevalent in today's globalized world. Understanding the cognitive advantages or disadvantages of bilingualism during early childhood is crucial for parents, educators, and policy-makers. By examining a range of research studies, this article sheds light on the cognitive benefits associated with early childhood bilingualism and compares these findings across different linguistic contexts. The article concludes with implications for educational practices and recommendations for future research.




