Network Management and Criteria for Consultants on Digital Transformation in Enterprises in Vietnam
Digital transformation, Consultants, Ministry of Information and Communications, Evaluation criteria, Quality assessment, Fourth Industrial RevolutionAbstract
The Ministry of Information and Communications has issued criteria and regulations for the recognition of individuals and organizations as consultants within the network supporting enterprises in their digital transformation, as outlined in Decision No. 376/QĐ-BTTTT dated March 13, 2023. This set of criteria includes specific evaluation standards for individuals and organizations participating in the Ministry's consultant network for digital transformation support. Consultants have utilized these evaluation criteria to enhance and supplement their capabilities, thereby improving the quality of their organizational activities in order to qualify for participation in the Ministry's assessment network for the level of digital transformation among enterprises. This study aims to analyze the content of the evaluation criteria and the outcomes related to the quality assessment of individuals and organizations within the consultant network for digital transformation support in Vietnam, as established by the Ministry of Information and Communications. The research findings highlight the current state of quality among consultants in the digital transformation sector, particularly concerning enterprise digital transformation. Additionally, the study proposes solutions to enhance the overall quality of consulting services, specifically in the area of digital transformation, to meet the growing demand for consultancy in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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Prime Minister of Vietnam. (2020). Quyết định số 749/QĐ-TTg ngày 03/6/2020 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt Chương trình Chuyển đổi số quốc gia đến năm 2025, định hướng đến năm 2030 [Decision No. 749/QĐ-TTg dated June 3, 2020, approving the national digital transformation program until 2025, with orientation towards 2030].
Prime Minister of Vietnam. (2022). Quyết định số 411/QĐ-TTg ngày 31/3/2022 phê duyệt chiến lược quốc gia phát triển kinh tế số và xã hội số đến năm 2025, định hướng đến năm 2030 [Decision No. 411/QĐ-TTg dated March 31, 2022, approving the national strategy for the development of the digital economy and digital society until 2025, with ori-entation towards 2030].
Ministry of Information and Communications. (2021). Quyết định số 377/QĐ-BTTTT ngày 26/3/2021 phê duyệt chương trình hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa chuyển đổi số [Decision No. 377/QĐ-BTTTT dated March 26, 2021, approving the program to support small and medium enterprises in digital transformation].
Ministry of Information and Communications. (2023). Quyết định số 376/QĐ-BTTTT ngày 13/3/2023 ban hành tiêu chí, quy định công nhận cá nhân, tổ chức tư vấn thuộc mạng lưới tư vấn viên hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp chuyển đổi số [Decision No. 376/QĐ-BTTTT dated March 13, 2023, issuing criteria and regulations for the recognition of individuals and organiza-tions in the consultant network supporting enterprises in dig-ital transformation].
Ministry of Information and Communications. (2023). Quyết định số 2158/QĐ-BTTTT ngày 7/11/2023 phê duyệt đề án xác định chỉ số đánh giá mức độ chuyển đổi số doanh nghiệp và hỗ trợ thúc đẩy doanh nghiệp chuyển đổi số [Decision No. 2158/QĐ-BTTTT dated November 7, 2023, approving the project to establish the index for evaluating the level of en-terprise digital transformation and supporting the promotion of enterprise digital transformation].
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