Effectiveness of technology in Open Distance Learning
A case study of the University of South Africa
Transactional distance, open distance and e-learning, connectivism, Distance learning, Online learningAbstract
Technology was gradually embraced by distance education institutions to interact and instruct their diverse student body. To reach students in far-flung locations, the University of South Africa (Unisa) has embraced the Open Distance and E-learning (ODeL) paradigm. The digital gap is a problem as technology advances because it makes it difficult for pupils to access the Internet. The study went over the literature with a particular emphasis on the usefulness of technology in ODeL. To thoroughly examine the case, the study has chosen a qualitative research methodology. To analyze the data acquired from students enrolled in ODeL courses, the study has utilized a community of inquiry structure. The study made use of the interpretative paradigm, which holds that reality is a multi-layered, complicated phenomena that may be interpreted in several ways. The study is comprehensive in character since a qualitative research technique using a case study design method was chosen most appropriate for it. Twelve individuals were chosen by the researchers from two Unisa regional offices in the Eastern Cape Province using a purposive sample technique. The participants were questioned about their opinions and experiences with using technology during semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis, a method of finding themes within qualitative data, was used to analyze the acquired data. The results showed that students who used technology well were better communicators, had better grades on their assignments, and fared well on tests

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