Harnessing the Power of Transfer Learning in Deep Learning Models


  • Selvakumar Venkatasubbu New York Technology Partners, USA. Author
  • Sai Mani Krishna Sistla Soothsayer Analytics, USA Author




Transfer learning, Deep learning, Machine learning, Fine-tuning, Feature extraction, Domain adaptation


Transfer learning, a technique in machine learning, has emerged as a powerful approach to enhance the performance of deep learning models by leveraging knowledge gained from one task or domain to improve learning in another. This paper provides an overview of transfer learning in the context of deep learning, exploring its principles, methods, and applications. We discuss the benefits and challenges of transfer learning, highlighting its capacity to expedite model training, improve generalization, and facilitate the adaptation of deep learning models to new tasks and domains. Furthermore, we examine various strategies for transfer learning, including fine-tuning, feature extraction, and domain adaptation, along with practical considerations and best practices. Through real-world examples and case studies, we illustrate the effectiveness of transfer learning across diverse domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, and healthcare. Finally, we address current trends, open challenges, and future directions in harnessing the power of transfer learning to advance the capabilities of deep learning models.


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How to Cite

Venkatasubbu, S. ., & Sistla, S. M. K. (2023). Harnessing the Power of Transfer Learning in Deep Learning Models. Journal of Knowledge Learning and Science Technology ISSN: 2959-6386 (online), 1(1), 139-147. https://doi.org/10.60087/jklst.vol1.n1.p147